Find answers to common questions about our heavy machinery parts and services.
Are there any extra charges beyond the price quoted by the supplier?
Yes, there can be additional costs beyond the quoted price, depending on the supplier and the terms of the purchase.
What should I do if the type of machine I need isn’t listed in the diagrams section?
Yes, there can be additional costs beyond the quoted price, depending on the supplier and the terms of the purchase.
How can I find out who I’m purchasing the part from?
Yes, there can be additional costs beyond the quoted price, depending on the supplier and the terms of the purchase.
What should I consider if I’m purchasing from an international supplier?
Yes, there can be additional costs beyond the quoted price, depending on the supplier and the terms of the purchase.
Are there any extra fees beyond the supplier’s quoted price?
Yes, there can be additional costs beyond the quoted price, depending on the supplier and the terms of the purchase.